I'm the next Gisele Bundchen. You'll be seeing me soon, very soon.


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April 2007May 2007

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Sunday, May 27, 2007
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Been listening to these albums this week, great are they!
A definite listen if you have not, my favourite is The Bravery, their new album rocks!, this is just one of those albums where I unwittingly listen from the start to the end without skipping a track! haha.

I love Rihanna's Umbrella too. You ought to catch the MV of this song, the part where she dances to the animation of water splashing in mid-air is just soooo cool wahaha. Actually I'm not a RnB kind of guy, but after being exposed to my only source of pathetic entertainment which is RADIO, I'm beginning to like RnB. Haha, Fergie's Glamourous is also niceeeee.

Kinda inspired to be a DJ, ok, too much radio again. But I think it's cool, other than the nonsensical working hours though. But you can play songs in the library and chat with people!, I would love to be in that job if not for my unfortunate UN-admission to my diploma in Mass-com, JUST because I got C5 for a ONE TIME O lvl examinations. pfff.

Camp life pretty much sucks now, not in terms of training or what but it's the management that's I'm not happy with. Too much politics around, makes the atmosphere so heavy. Hai, but it's ok, 1 mORE YEAR~~~~~ to ORD~~

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Caught this movie on night's out with jy,colin,benson,limpin,deyang and bala. If you do not know what this show's all about, it's about the first ALL-MALE skating pair ever formed because they were both banned for life for displaying poor sportsmanship after having to share a medal for being tied for first place in a competitition.

It's super funny la, especially the crotch grapping stunt and the looks on their faces lol. The storyline progression is abit cheesy but it's a comedy la, not some sophisticated art show I'm watching.

Speaking about movies, I've had some experience with some REALLY BAD ONES that you should NOT watch. One of them is Be With Me. It's a local art film about this mute and blind woman and her relationship with another old feeble man. And the whole show is DIALOGUELESS!. Do you want to sit through a movie where there's hardly words spoken.
And the whole show is about this old guy cooking dinner for the woman la, THE WHOLE SHOW. I can see this for free lor. If you still do not know what I'm talking about, it's the one where Ezann lee plays a lesbian and kiss another girl la.

EMERGE is coming too, can't wait, not sure if I can attend all services. It's a pity I can't join POS because that's the most exciting competition on EMERGE. I kinda miss the guys now, probably get to see them on the first night haha, wonder how this year's POS gonna be, hope it's smashing better.

Kinda obsessed with photo-blogging too, which means all pics and no words, hassle freee!, will proabbly do up a collage of old photos next week haha
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Bronco drivers come back, means more manpower to do work!!
Friday got released early to go NE visit at Parliament.
Second time there and still the same old stuff lol.

Went to Funan to eat pastamania with ck,bobo,jm,zy,kang. look at games afterward.

Lazy to blog. Pics below of baptism.

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Sunday, May 6, 2007
Met up with some of my poly friends at DTE for pool and arcade.
It was fun, played DDR after dunno how many donkey years.
I can still remember how I pestered my parents to get me the jumping mat for the game at home when I was younger.

Pasir ris interchange brought back many memories when I was still in BMT, the large crowd of green plants hanging around waiting to be loaded up the bus, then go into the ferry and end up in Tekong. Hai, at least good memories are better than bad ones. I miss my section mates man...can't wait to see them again.

Been listening to alot of radio while in camp. Tuning in to Perfect 10, Power 98 and WKRZ for their daily top 10 countdown. I'm beginning to stray from my Japanese music roots liao....dunno why, but it seems that the quality of Japanese music nowadays cannot make it....or rather it's too commercialised and formulated, with the ever powerful Johnny entertainment company spilling out hordes of cute and handsome boy bands that instantly won the hearts of many teenage girls around the world, it's no wonder whenever they put out crappy songs or albums or even recycled songs on a so called 'new' album, they still manage to totally pawn the albums of other artists who are true to the art of making great music in the weekly oricon charts.

The music industry in Japan is also slowing dying, even the most popular artist in Japan right now is struggling to hit 100k units of their albums in their own country, whereas obscure artistes or not so famous artistes in American can easily get that number of albums sold in a few days. Wonder what miracle might appear to save them lol.

Oh well, camp life ain't that good either. Politics are everywhere, people trying to siam this or siam that, saying unedifying words to each other, guess maybe I shouldn't be complaining, as life in other camps are far worse, I mean, I should be grateful to God for putting me where I am today no complaints. 1 more year and I'm SNATCHING BACK MY FREEDOM!

Maybe one day I should start trying to compose songs of my own. Actually I did try it out long ago, but I'm only good at coming out chords, not the melody, and even the chords sound like some hymns sung in Moses times, so I guess I have to continue to try LOL, who knows, maybe I might come up with a song that sells millions around the world, which then I can shake my leg until the roof drops down and I don't even care.

Missed out on jamming with sijie and the rest, too bad, maybe next time then, glad to hear they stopped jamming ONE WAY or RUNNING AFTER YOU or ONE LOL.